Wednesday, September 25, 2013


two years ago yesterday i married my best friend and became a johnson. i can't believe its been only two years because it feels much a good way! to celebrate the year of cotton we had a lovely meal at home, with butterscotch angel delight from the british store for pudding!

this past year of marriage has been pretty exciting with moving and setting up our life here in new york. there's no denying its been really tough leaving the comfort of our home, our country and all our friends and family to live in one of the most demanding cities in the world. But despite all the tears and the struggle of setting up a life out here i wouldn't have it any other way because our marriage is so much stronger because of it, we have grown closer in a much deeper way and learnt more about each other and ourselves. i am so grateful that i get to share this adventure with nick, theres no one else i'd rather do this with than him. happy cotton anniversary nick!

and so to celebrate i thought i'd share a few pics from our wedding day.

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